Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Part 3 - Carving the Fingerboard, 02/19/2008

Carved the fingerboard tonight. The zebrawood has some checks in it, patches where the planer made some chips. There was some checking already in the wood too.

I'm going to have to sand very carefully.
No pics tonight, I'll take some tomorrow night after sanding.

Update 02/20: I managed to plane and sand out a lot of the checking. Fortunately, I have a backup blank, a nice-looking slab of rosewood.

Update 02/22: Here are some pictures of the zebrawood, after carvi
ng. I think the carving went well, but there are some rough spots to sand out, if I'm even going to use this board (see later post about sound-testing).

First, the checking. You can see an example of it at the bottom of this image.

I put a couple of divits in the board. I was a little overenthusiastic with the Pocket Planer.

Now for the end grains. Check out that striping.

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